A Walk Through Sydney Smelling The Spring Flowers

Hi there Olfactoria’s Travellers,

Portia from Australian Perfume Junkies and Perfume Posse

Recently I was walking with my mate Scott, every Monday we try and get the office work done. Usually we are sidetracked at some point by fragrance, fun and food and some, if not all, of the office work gets shunted to next Monday. Not long ago we were walking back from fragrant drop offs at the Post Office and we could smell this amazing, weird, metallic, sensual, creamy, naughty and animal scent washing over us. Having just passed some blooming climbing jasmine in someone’s backyard this new scent hit us forcibly.

Sydney Spring Flowers 2015

As you can see it’s a long hedge that is 2-3 meters tall and maybe 30 or 40 meters long, so with it all in this outrageously over the top display of flowers we were absolutely scent engulfed by the time we got up close.

Does anyone know what this bush is? I’ve never seen it before but even without flowers it’s very nice. When it is in flower though the bees are loving it.

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #1

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #2

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #3

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #4

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #5

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #6

Parramatta Graveyard Spring 2015 #7

It reminded me a little of Niki de Saint Phalle but more animal and…. um….. OK, imagine a cross between Niki de Saint Phalle and vintage Magie Noire by Lancome? Are you feeling it? Though it smells nothing like them because it’s a real living and breathing bush in the world it has a similar feeling or emotive quality. I have since been out there a couple of times just to drink in the scent and admire the bees buzzing busily. So great that even in the deep heart of suburbia there is nature, however small the scale.

What’s flowering near you right now that makes your soul sing?
Portia xx

About Olfactoria

I'm on a journey through the world of fragrance - come with me!
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14 Responses to A Walk Through Sydney Smelling The Spring Flowers

  1. Tara says:

    I know nothing about plants but I’ve asked on FB so I hope someone can tell us what it is. The scent sounds fabulous.

    Autumn is slowly drawing in here and I’m looking forward to all those damp, smoky aromas that come with it.

  2. Rob says:

    One of my Spring rituals is enjoying the row of Linden trees outside my house; the smell of their blossoms permeate the air. It reminds me of a perfume a friend used to wear in University – was it a Acqua di Parma? I can’t remember. Nothing fragrant in the air now, unless it’s the smell of the few fire-places remaining legally able to burn firewood in the city, and even they will be phased out in 2018!

  3. Sandra says:

    Hi Portia! Such beautiful flowers. There is a slight chill in the air now and I am loving the smell of pumpkin. I too have decided to use up bottles that are less than half full. It really is amazing how fast they empty out when I am determined to wear the one perfume. Have a great spring. Sandra xo

    • Hey Sandra,
      we are so often in synch.
      These are not nearly empty but I thought I’d like to try to empty 5 bottles by the end of the year. Let’s see how it goes.
      Spring is HOT here already. 39C during the day. Blowtorch after the cool of winter.
      Portia xx

  4. Azar says:

    Hi Porita,
    The leaves and flowers look like Rhaphiolepis, also known as Indian Hawthorn. There are several cultivars. “Snow Maiden ” is one popular one. They usually bloom in summer but who knows???
    Azar xx

    • Aha! Maybe. It feels like summer here Azar. I wonder if these plants bloom in spring in warmer climes? I’ve never seen this bush in India, but maybe I just haven’t noticed it blooming.
      Portia xx

      • Azar says:

        Hi Portia,
        We can actually get them to grow here too (US zone 8) but for some reason they are not often seen in the PNW. I think they dislike all the rain. We haven’t had much of that lately so maybe I will give this plant a try – if I can find it locally. However, we might be just a tad cold here near the mountains. I believe the photo is actually of Rhaphiolepis x delacouri (a hybrid of indica and umbellata – I just looked that one up!) Years ago I used to be a “certified nurseryman” Still “certified” 🙂
        Azar xx

  5. jennyredhen says:

    I believe this plant is classed as a noxious weed in NSW. Noxious weed usually means it does extremely well… too well. Sounds divine.

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