Bottle Of The Month: June – And A Giveaway!

The bottle of the month for June came once more from Place Vendome in Belgium, I really wish I could get everything there, the customer service is just exceptional. I love that place!!!

So without further ado, I present:

Guerlain Mon Precieux Nectar

I couldn’t resist the lure of Guerlain’s most affordable extrait and the bee bottle swayed me further. I have been wearing it a lot, which shows me that it was a good decision. It is easy to wear, undemanding, not distracting, but still wonderfully elegant and comforting.

Did you try this exclusive Guerlain? Would you like to?

I’m giving away a 5ml decant to one lucky reader. For a chance to win, please leave a comment on this post telling me about your favorite Guerlain perfume. Tweeting and sharing on Facebook or other social media platforms of your choice gets you another entry and increases your chance to win. Let me know if you did so in your comment.

The giveaway is open for everyone, everywhere in the world. The giveaway is open until July 6, midnight GMT. The winner will be announced here on the blog on July 7.

Please be aware that I cannot be responsible for the doings of the postal services once the package has left my hands, I can’t replace lost items.

Good luck!

About Olfactoria

I'm on a journey through the world of fragrance - come with me!
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129 Responses to Bottle Of The Month: June – And A Giveaway!

  1. Jerome says:

    I would love to win this perfume. My favorite Guerlain of all time is Habit Rouge, has been for twenty years my favorite. Guerlain is so classy, nothing like it.

  2. cheesegan says:

    My favorite Guerlain is a bit typical, but it’s Mitsouko. It was first perfume I bought. I don’t know anything about perfume, but it was so commanding and comforting and just so good.

  3. andreawilko says:

    What you actually want me to choose one guerlain perfume that is my favourite? I would have to choose iris ganache, closely followed by a few others, I was tempted to buy a full bottle of this perfume and such a pretty bottle makes me want it even more. 🙂

  4. Oh I’m going to be really boring aren’t I and say Shalimar? Yep, I am. Shalimar Extrait is the one for me, although I do love and admire a million other Guerlains 😀

  5. Marie in DK says:

    The selection of Guerlain fragrances in Denmark is unfortunately meager, so I haven’t tried that many. But my favorite of those I know is Champs Elysees. I know that the experts that be think very little of it – can’t remember which one – but I don’t care. I got Rose Nacree in Andrea’s split recently but haven’t tested it fully yet – it might very well take over the place as favorite soon.

    Thanks for having this give away 🙂

  6. chris says:

    My favourite Guerlain is Arsene Lupin Dandy, a beautiful floral/leather.

  7. flittersniffer says:

    You kindly sent me a sample of MPN already, so no need to enter me in the draw. That is a stunning bottle – I can so easily see why you were tempted. The results of my own initial testing of this one were inconclusive, though I am a bit distracted at the moment and probably did not give it my best attention. The sample is still on my very messy desk somewhere(!) – will dig it out again!

  8. My favorite Guerlain so far is Jicky, I got a decant of vintage pure perfume and I only wear it on special occasions. I also got a new one in edp, I love this one too but the vintage one is to die for!

  9. annemariec says:

    Oh dear oh dear. I saw your review of this and it sounds lovely. My favourite Guerlain is L’Heure Bleue. Best worn in the winter, on wet days. Thanks for the draw.

  10. My favourite Guerlain… Oh my. It has to be Insolence, which develops into a dark creamy violet for hours and hours on my skin. Thereafter, it’s my precious sample of Myrrh and Delires, which I *will* one day buy (just like my precious Amouage Memoir, and Creed’s Angelique Encens (I found a nice-priced seller!)). I half don’t want to win this because then I’ll have 4 Guerlains I want to buy (Mitsouko and Shalimar are on the list simply because they are so darn intriguing!!).

    I have a nasty habit of buying stuff I love, and if I love this…. Yeah, give someone else the sample, lol. 😛

    • Olfactoria says:

      That is a nasty habit indeed. 😉
      I have that habit too…
      Guerlains especially have proven very detrimental to my finances.

      • Zubi d'Nova / Melissa de Blok says:

        Amouage will be for me, soon… Sigh. As my very logical and scientific dad replied to my email titled “SO ANGRY” (when I complained about a company conning me by sending me Miss Dior when I specifically emailed them beforehand asking if they had the “vintage” version of Miss Dior Cherie): “Angry, yes, but…Why are you so hooked on to something, which is relatively expensive ?”

        Needless to say, I dont think he understands perfume. 😛

        • Olfactoria says:

          Did you see that Amouage Memoir now has body products too? Oh a body cream smelling of Memoir, that is true luxury. Something your Dad would probably not see the need for right away. 😉

          I hope you find the right Dior soon.

          • Zubi d'Nova / Melissa de Blok says:

            Yes! Why did you have to remind me?! I don’t even own a bottle yet! Luckily a store near me sells 2ml samples for the same per-ml price as a full bottle, so I have about 4 samples stored. 😀

            I got the right Dior from Ebay now, but I do now have a bottle of watered-down floral with a pee-like heart that lasts LITERALLY 1-2 hours on my skin. =/

            But ohhh Memoir….. *drifts into dreamland*

            Do you have a bottle? I loved your Memoir post. 😀

          • Olfactoria says:

            Yes, I have Memoir. It is as beautiful to look at as it smells. 🙂

            You couldn’t return the wrong Dior? They mistakenly sent the wrong one, didn’t they? 😦

  11. Rene Groyer says:

    So generous of you to share your Guerlain and decant a sample.My favorite is Nahema. I received a tiny sample vial when I was in my twenties way back in the eighties and I still have it.
    It still smells good after all these years.I also like Champ Elysees..

  12. Darilyn Sivera says:

    My favorite Guerlain is Attrape Coeur! I also love Angelique Noire and Vol de Nuit.
    I Love Guerlain…

    • Olfactoria says:

      Hi Darilyn,
      Attrape Coeur is so beautiful! It was a bad idea to come to the country for the weekend without a single Guerlain, now that I get to hear about all your favorites.

    • GvilleCreative says:

      I want to like Attrape Coeur and have kept my vintage decant in case I “grow into it”, but it just doesn’t emotionally connect with me. And it feels so sad, which is such a shame.

      And that Vol de Nuit bottle…. I love it! I should really try this one.

  13. My favorite is the now impossible to find Attrape-Cœur. Lucky me. :/

  14. Sassa says:

    This actually IS my favorite Guerlain. A big reason is my 5 year old granddaughter. My daughter met me in the mall a week ago, bringing my most precious granddaughter (she and I are total BFF). I arrived early, and was at the perfume counter at Sak’s, I heard a high voiced “Sassa!” and saw her running towards me, all ribbons, mary janes, blond hair, laughter and no self consciousness. As I told my daughter – I will never, as long as I live, experience a welcome as wonderful as that one.
    When she reached the Guerlain counter where I’d taken up residence, I started showing her different scents (that’s one of the things we do together). Her hands down favorite was Mon Precieux Nectar no matter what else she tried. I told her that I wasn’t going to consider buying it for her until she graduates kindergarten ;). The SA sprayed a strip for her, as well as a ribbon.
    We tied the ribbon around her wrist so that she could smell it for the rest of the day. I don’t know if that scent will remind her of me, but I can tell you on no uncertain terms that it will ALWAYS remind me of her.

  15. ana says:

    So lovely of you to share a bit of your beautiful purchase! My favourite Guerlain so far, as I haven’t had the chance to smell that many(just the usual suspects Shalimar, Mitsouko, Insolence, etc) is L’Heure Bleue, the fragrance that started everything for me. I understood how beautiful perfume can be right there and then.

  16. ana says:

    Forgot to share on facebook. Done now!

  17. Figuier says:

    Congrats on the latest purchase! I would love to win this, it sounds gorgeous – and I’m agog at the extrait concentration.

    My favourite Guerlain is also my latest FB purchase: Attrape Coeur!! It’s been too hot and humid to wear recently, but I take the lovely bee bottle out of its box every few days just to gloat 🙂

  18. annie says:

    Oh,SHALIMAR,(vintage,of course)…It was the perfect ‘evening’perfume…so lush…and,you could buy EDP,EDT,lotion(to die for),beautifully wrapped soaps,IN THE DEPT. STORES!!!!!…Oh,I’m swooning jus’ thinkin’ ’bout it!…Would love to try this little cutie you’re offering….smooches…:):)

  19. Eva S says:

    My favorite Guerlain is Mitsouko (big suprise I don’t think!) followed by Plus Que Jamais (I’ve gotten a decant 🙂 ), Idylle EDP, Attrape Coeur, Vetivier…
    I was lucky to win samples of the three new exclusives, I have high hopes for Rose Nacree!

  20. Lainie says:

    I haven’t tried too many yet, but I love Nahema. Thanks for your lovely blog!

  21. This looks beautiful! My favorite Guerlain is Apres L’Ondee, even though I don’t actually wear it very much, it’s heartbreakingly beautiful, but almost too much so for me to wear!

  22. Elizabeth Watson says:

    Of the few Guerlain perfumes I have tried (Jicky, Samsara, Mitsouko, Vol de Nuit, Shalimar, Apres l’Ondee), Jicky is my favorite. I have a decant of the vintage extrait, which I adore. Jicky never fails to lift my spirit and my confidence.

  23. susan says:

    I’m sadly not super-familiar with the harder to find (in the US) Guerlains, but I do like L’Heure Bleue quite a bit.. and the underloved Champs-Elysees. Nahema, Chamade, and Vega are all on must-try-soon list as well!

    • Olfactoria says:

      The harder to find Guerlains are hard to find in Europe too. 😦 But thankfully there are stores like Place Vendome (No, I’m not getting paid by them! 😉 )
      Good luck in the draw, Susan!

  24. calidreamin87 says:

    My favorite is Shalimar! 🙂

  25. Jules says:

    Aargh this is a difficult one – there are so many. ~ But I will probably have to go with the gorgeous ‘Bois d’Armenie’ as probably the top fave. (Tho’ I have a massive luv for ‘Cuir Beluga’ too !)
    But ask me in a week’s time & I’ll probably tell you differently. 😉

    And yes please enter me into the draw B’ – Have been dying to sniff the precious ‘precious’. 🙂
    Tho’ I must admit, had I been one of the lucky ‘too-loaded’ who had purchased one of the impressive “La Fontaine Impériale” flacons, which was supposed to be so “très, très exclusive” back in 2009. I know I’d now be, well, très, très pi***d off to hear of it’s rerelease. (Especially given it’s now one of the most affordable extraits. ~ What a kick in the nuts that is, huh !? 🙂 LOL)

  26. DRTVrMoi says:

    On my first visit to San Francisco. I met a man that only wore Habit Rouge. He and this Guerlain have remained beloved in my life….30 years and counting

  27. drtvrmoi says:

    I shared your contest on FB

  28. Nahema here, too-this is surprising, that there are so many of us! There is almost no chatter about this on blogosphere. A few hours after applying, I get a definite wave of peach, and the scent of blooming roses! And the bottle is so very King Tut 🙂

    Thank you for holding this draw,

  29. Judy says:

    Samsara as it is gorgeous and reminds me of a gorgeous time in my life.

  30. TaffyJ says:

    My favorite child is Chamade. Oh wait, Samsara, pre-formulatiion, just raised her hand. Apres l’Ondeen says, “What about me?” and so does your bottle’s cousin, Spiriteuse Double Vanille. I guess all my children are my favorite.

    Such a generous draw! Thank you.

  31. Shalimar! Love the classics!

  32. czahltine says:

    I’m happy to see I’m not in the minority when I say that I LOVE L’Heure Bleue. Something about it is just very comforting and familiar.

  33. GvilleCreative says:

    It’s embarassing to admit that my favorite Guerlain was the original, parfum version of Champs Elysees. They’ve butchered it since it came out, but originally, the parfum was marvelous.

    And I love these bee bottles! I haven’t tried enough of the Guerlains that come in them. I’m worried that I’ll fall in love and harm my pocketbook. But MPN sounds lovely.

  34. Radmila says:

    hi, this is a great giveaway! I do not have any guelrain parfumes yet, only the makeup, but am eager to try. Thanks, Radmila,
    and i also tweeted (@radmilamila)

  35. Irina says:

    would love to win this, if only it can happen….
    my fav is Apres l’Ondee- this mood inducing marvel
    shared and many thanks

  36. Connie says:

    What a gorgeous bottle. I would have to say my favorite Guerlain is vintage Shalimar extrait although I love SDV and Eau de Guerlain and and and … 🙂 Thank you for the generous drawing.

  37. milleiles says:

    My favorite Guerlain on paper is Quand vient la pluie but unfortunately it is not as beautiful on me. I hope it will be very pretty on you Birgit! So the only Guerlain I wear is Paris-Tokyo. Love the transparency and it has something mysterious. I hope I will have another Guerlain to wear!

  38. Ela says:

    I admire Guerlain for their ability to create both commercial and niche perfumes. I deeply love discontinued Mahora (later known as Mayotte), but my favourite one is Shalimar in Ode a la Vanille version. All the best from Shalimar plus nice, slightly animalic touch.

  39. TheLetterO says:

    My favourite Guerlain is Apres L’Ondee, but I’ve recently been tempted by Vol de Nuit. A reviewer said it “felt like a brusque kiss from a beautiful but cold woman”. I thought that was a fabulous way to describe a fragrance! Great site and thanks for the opportunity.

  40. I think my favorite might be Tonka Imperiale? I also love SDV and Rose Barbare and (gasp) Insolence! I seem to like the frivolous Guerlains. 🙂

  41. Julie says:

    My favorite is Vol de Nuit; searched for it over decades, and when I found it, it was as wonderful as I imagined it would be.

  42. Elaine Rosser says:

    I have only tried Shalimar and love the scent.

  43. Jake says:

    What a dangerous draw, thank you! For me the best Guerlain is Habit Rouge in precious Extrait form. I also heart Coriolan- can’t understand why it wasn’t popular at all. And from ladies’ section- definitely Nahema, my mother’s favourite. All the best and good luck to all participants!

  44. Jake says:

    What a generous draw, thank you and good luck to all readers! For me the best is defnitely Habit Rouge in precious Extrait form, also Coriolan unfortunately considered as a flop- but so classic and beautiful! And from ladies’ section- Nahema, my mother’s favourite. All the best!

  45. Alexandra says:

    Oh thank you for choosing this one and please do include me in the draw, I tried it in New York last week and nearly broke my perfume embargo (I’m saving up for a birthday bottle of Epic…). My favourite Guerlain is Shalimar – without a moment’s hesitation!

  46. KathyT says:

    I love quite a few Guerlain fragrances, but the one I pick up the most is my bottle of Eau Imperiale. It is so uplifting, and it never overpowers. Thanks so much for the drawing!

  47. Amy Bella says:

    That’s an easy one for me – Shalimar. It is one of my top favorites of all time and will always have a place of honor in my collection! Thank you for your generosity and including me in the drawing.

  48. Julie says:

    I am no Guerlie girl! The only Guerlains I own are not really Guerlains – 2 Aqua Allegorias and Cologne du 68. I tried Shalimar and Mitsouko way at the beginning of my perfumania, so that may have been the problem so I should give them some more tries. I do also have a sample of Bois d’Amenie, which is nice. But I would have to say Samsara – I had a bottle back in the 90’s, before I was “into” perfume and it was lovely – very different form the current version.

  49. fleurdelys says:

    Guerlain is one of my two favorite houses, along with Caron. If I have to pick one favorite, I’ll say Shalimar – the classic of classics, and always appropriate!

  50. Himari says:

    My favorite Guerlain is most of them, today I’ll go non-exclusive and say Insolence EDP. Aggressively, insistently “pretty.” I’ve battled the MPN lemming this year and so far I’ve won, meaning I don’t own it. Yet. I want to win this decant so I can test it, swoon, give up the fight, and surrender to a full bottle!

  51. AnnaK says:

    My favorite Guerlain parfum- Shalimar

  52. Sean says:

    My favorite is Habit Rouge!

  53. Els M. says:

    Thanks for the generous drawn. My favourite Guerlain is Jardins de Bagatelle.

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